Presteigne Community Garden

Plenty of Produce-June 2024

 Very happy to report we now have a wide range of produce in the ground.... from strawberries to potatoes to runner beans to onions to leeks, rhubarb to broad beans and squashes and an ever growing herb collection and globe artichokes .....we are hoping to share some of this lovely produce at the Rodd Community Open Day on 6th July 12.00 onwards.

All we need now is some sunshine and warmth to help it along a bit....

Our latest project...

Our new greenhouse is arriving on Monday, thanks to a  grant form Cultivate Powys...... we hope to have this up and ready too.



What is it?

Presteigne Community Garden is a space for people to enjoy and  grow produce.

Our space....

Presteigne Community Garden is a communal space being created at The Rodd  for the benefit of the people of Presteigne.

at the Rodd....

The area to be developed has previously been cultivated as a kitchen garden. The space has now been made available to the community and is full of growing potential.

as it is now.

The land has been unused for a while now and has become overgrown so it's going to take a while to regenerate it into a productive growing space. A couple of hours spent today with a rotovator has turned over the first patch ready for planting potatoes.


Making progress...........

We've had a number of offers of plants which we've been busy creating space for. It feels good to start getting things in the ground and begin bringing the garden to life.

An Introduction

Radnorshire WIldlife Trust came to visit us and produced a short promotional video of how we got started.

Where is it?

The Sidney Nolan Trust - The Rodd

The Rodd, Presteigne. LD8 2LL   

The Rodd is located in NW Herefordshire, a stone’s throw from the England Wales border and just one mile from the centre of Presteigne. It encompasses Rodd Court, a Jacobean manor house, which was the last home of Sidney and his wife Mary, an outstanding group of 17th century farm buildings that house the gallery, workshops, and offices and is surrounded by beautiful gardens and orchards. Rodd Farm and estate extend to 250 acres of farmland, semi-ancient natural woodland and the Hindwell brook.  


How does it operate?

Presteigne Community Garden is an area of land that has been made available for use by and for the benefit of the local community. At present the project to initially develop the space is being led by an enthusiastic group of volunteers but we hope more people will become involved as the project progresses. All aspects of being able to offer the space to anybody interested in growing produce is being researched including funding, insurance and resources.
  • The main aim of the group is to establish, manage and maintain a garden which will be used to grow edible produce.
  • Management and organisation will be carried out by a core group . A small group at the moment but we very much welcome new members.
  • The main aim of the group is to establish, manage and maintain a garden which will be used to grow edible produce
  • In the future it is envisaged the garden may also be used as a social space and also as a space that encourages and nurtures wildlife.
  • Any produce grown will be shared within the community via local groups or “events” with some possibly being sold to cover running costs. This would be at an affordable level.
  • There will be no paid members of the group it will be run entirely by volunteers led by a core group.
  • As this is a new venture within Presteigne the way it will operate will evolve, however it is envisaged that there will be specific ‘task’ days with the aim of carrying out core maintenance work ( especially in the initial stages)

Progress and updates will be posted regularly..........keep watching this space.

Please get in touch if you'd like to be involved...............................................

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